How to Align Furniture Selection Wtih Hotel Branding to Impress Stakeholders

Hotel & Resort Furnishings

If you are responsible for choosing furniture for your hotel brand, you may wonder what factors you should consider When talking to commercial furniture manufacturers. This guide will help you make wise choices.

Start With an Internal Evaluation

Understanding the vibe you want to give your customers when they visit your property is essential. Therefore, start with an internal evaluation before reaching out to commercial furniture manufacturers. Consider the furniture style, such as modern or craftsman, that will help promote your brand. Additionally, think about which colors will work best in your hotels.

Consider Purpose

While you should pick ergonomic furniture, consider what job you want the piece to do. For example, if you are providing guests will a lavish dressing area, then choose luxurious options. On the other hand, if you are creating a work environment, then go with more streamlined choices.


In order to impress your superiors along with guests, you must carefully determine the budget that you have to work for each part of the project. For example, you may have more money to spend on furniture for common areas, like the breakfast room and lobby, than you do for individual rooms.


Always deal with reputable commercial furniture manufacturers. They are skilled at creating furniture designed to last and within different budgets. You can count on their expert advice to make you look fabulous in front of your superiors. Furthermore, think about the manufacturing process’s environmental footprint and how it aligns with the views held by your target audience.

Contact A Squared Design Studio for more information and follow them on Facebook.

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